Monday, May 22, 2006

Better Than Pie

As my good friend Cruz-Control says, "Two hours of Lost this Wednesday! That's like... better than pie." I am uber-pumped about this season's last episode. Supposedly, this is going to be the biggest cliff-hanger ever on a TV show. I'm sure it's going to drive me nuts for about three months. I have never been this much into a TV show. These writers are genious, the acting is superb, and consequently, I can't stop wondering about what the heck is going on with this show. Rock on, LOST.


cruz-control said...

Better than PECAN pie, infact!!!

cruz-control said...

Better than PECAN pie, infact!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohmygosh- are you not getting so sick of never knowing what's going on? Never getting any answers, enduring a hour of bordem one week and pulling your hair out the next. Aren't you sick of thinking you are getting some answers only to find out they have created three more to take it's place.
UG. The Finale was more of the same. double UHG.