Thursday, November 16, 2006


As of last night, I am officially licensed for the ministry. I can now marry you or bury you in a legal manner. Whichever you like. So, here's a minister for hire. Any takers?

On a related note, I am no longer the Interim Minister of Students at Western Heights Baptist Church, I am simply the Minister of Students. Pretty exciting, I know. It's still part-time, but I feel like I have some more ownership in my job now. Let's see what happens...

1 comment:

Rustin said...

Your Lucky that there were 86 differing opinions than mine in the room. OR... You would not have been licensed to marry anyone. (you are gross marc, you already have a wife, why would you want to marry anyone else?
2nd.You would not had your title changed Only Cruz would have, you would have still been the Interim Minister of Students and cruz would have been Assistant to the minister of Students leaving his job nonexistent.

OH sooo close.