Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Well, I'm all signed up for classes next semester. The bad news is that I have straight 8 am classes. Gross. The good news is that they are good classes.

The first week in January I have a week-long, 9-5 course over the Baptist Identity. This one sounds fun.

Monday and Wednesday:
8 am. Scriptures 4 with Dr. Todd Still. We go through the New Testament from Romans to Revelation.
10:30 am. Greek Readings: The Thessalonian Letters with Dr. Todd Still. I'm skipping over Greek 2 because I took Greek in undergrad. Let's hope I have enough discipline to study over Christmas break.

Tuesday and Thursday:
8 am. Christian Worship with Dr. Terry York. This is a required course. I have no clue what it's going to be like.
10:30 am. Discipleship in the New Testament with Dr. Hulitt Gloer. Dr. Gloer is amazing, and the content of the class looks great. I think I have to right my own epistle, but we'll see how it goes.

So far, seminary classes are wicked awesome. Let's hope I feel the same way after next semester when I have successfully completed 30 hours of class.

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