Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Fun Night At The Movies

So Shari and I went to go see The Omen last night. Despite the theology (which isn't really the point of the movie anyway), it was an outstanding movie. It was really intense and that little kid freaked me out. It was much better than the original, the acting was good, the directing was good, it kept me interested, and it was pretty frightening. But my favorite thing about the movie was its cinematography. Artistically, the movie was beautiful. There was one dream sequence in particular where Julia Stiles is in an all white bathroom wearing a red robe. She shuts a mirror to see what's behind her and there's this hideous demon thing. It was so delightfully Tim Burton-ish.

The scariest part of last night, though, was not the movie itself. Shari and I actually rented out the movie theatre for 10 bucks. That's right, no one else was in there! Watching scary movies in a big theatre alone is not exactly the best way to go. The only way to keep yourself sane in that situation is to talk during the movie (preferrably tell jokes) - which we could do because no one was in there, and we could be as loud as we wanted. It was definitely one of my favorite movie experiences ever, and it was the first good movie I've seen in the theater in a while. It was great fun until we got back home and watched the Mavs choke game 3 away.

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