Tuesday, August 15, 2006


So I went to Promise Keepers this past weekend with my father-in-law (dad #2), and I had a pretty good time. On a scale of 1-10, I would rate it at about 7. If you don't know what Promise Keepers is, it's basically a huge, thousands of people man rally. Picture a Disciple Now for men, only packed in the American Airlines Center. Lots of testosterone.

On my way up there, though, my back right tire blew out on the busy part of I-35 getting into Dallas. Luckily it was just after the construction, so I had a shoulder to pull over and put on my spare. It was all well and good, but after I drove for another five minutes, I remembered that I forgot to tighten the lugnuts. So I had to pull over again, and thankfully nothing bad happened.

Anywho, Promise Keepers was pretty cool. The speakers were pretty good. In a nut shell, the whole weekend was about letting God work in every aspect of you life, and being obedient to him. Mostly, it was angled from an evangelistic perspective, so I didn't get as much out of it as I had hoped.

As far as teaching goes, the coolest thing was a video they showed by Rob Bell (you can check out his stuff at nooma.com). He described how disciples were picked out by rabbis in Jesus' time. Rabbis picked disciples if they were the best of the best of the religious students. They picked the smartest and the brightest. But Jesus came along and picked up some fisherman and tax collectors, guys that had already picked up the family trade, guys that couldn't make the cut. These disciples weren't good enough to be religious leaders in most people's eyes, but because Jesus believed in them, these were the guys who changed the course of history.

The second best part about PK was Lincoln Brewster. I would say that he was easily in the top 5 Christian artists that I've seen live. Brother could play the guitar. And the funny thing is that he had diarrhea (I know because he told us). Even though he was sick, he still rocked my face off. It was sad, though, because he only played like 5 songs.

I can't stand it, though, when preachers scream the entire message. Especially when I have a headache. It's okay, you can just talk to us, I promise. We're still going to listen. I have an easier time listening when you're not yelling, actually. I know you mean well, but please don't scream at me. Oh, and to all you worship bands out there, if you have an event with 3 or more sessions, please pick different songs to sing and use a different song order. It just gets old when you don't do that.

But all in all, I have to thank Dad #2 for a great weekend!

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