Tuesday, June 20, 2006


James Bond movies aren't good. I don't see what the big deal is. All the Bond movies I've seen are pretty boring. And they're all the same - there's a bad guy, some formulaic action, and Bond has sex with lots of girls. That's it. Why is he so awesome? Oh that's right - guys love the movies because they want to be like him. There's some kind of thrill in escaping to that kind of lifestyle, even if for only two hours. He gets lots of chicks, and he has a cool job. Well guess what? I'm perfectly content with where I am. I have an awesome job that I love to go to everyday, and I have the best wife in the world (plus she's really hot). I'm glad I don't have herpes like Mr. Bond. I'm a one woman guy. No need to fantasize.

And Chic-Fil-A is over-rated too, but for different reasons.


theboythatis said...

Oh you blasphemer! Chic-Fil-A rocks!

cruz-control said...

no, Marc. no. such things should never be said about the heaven that is Chick-fil-a

Halpin said...

Chic-Fil-A is ok at best. We've done this before. When you rant and rave about how awesome it is, you prove my point further. It's not terrible food, it's just that people make it about to be God's fast-food place. It's not. It's average food. And the waffle fries don't help.

Lucas Parry said...

Here Here....... but, I still love the movies! Can't help it, fast cars, boats, lots of explosions, no storyline.... all good things for a night of chill and veg.

cruz-control said...

"It's just that people make it about to be God's fast-food place. It's not."

uh, yeah Marc, actually... it is.

Halpin said...

God's fast food place is Bush's Chicken.